About the area

Most folks who come to Colorado are on some kind of adventure & most of the time, that adventure is found in the mountains. Whether it is skiing off-piste in one of our 30 ski resorts, biking your heart out in the Triple Bypass, rafting a class 4 on a bluebird day, or hiking steeps and deeps in the Gore range, there is something for everyone.

But what if you wanted a new kind of vacation?

If you are looking for new kinds of adventures, new terrain, and a decidedly slower pace than the rest of state, check out northwestern Colorado– You are in for a big surprise!

Moffat County is located in the very northwest corner of Colorado. Our area is generally known for hunting and snowmobiling, but we are also at the doorstep of quite a few national treasures. One of the entrances to the famous White River National Forest is a few miles down from our gate. This 2.3 million acre public forest is world-renowned as a recreation destination. It is home to 8 wilderness areas, 10 peaks over 14,000 ft, 11 ski resorts, iconic destinations such as Hanging Lake and Maroon Bells, and more wildlife than you can imagine. For those wanting a snowmobile adventure, Yellowjacket Pass and entry into the Flat Tops Wilderness Area are 8 miles down the dirt road.

If history of the old west interests you, Brown’s Park National Wildlife Refuge may be of interest. Though Moffat County & Meeker both have excellent history museums, Brown’s Park offers a unique experience. This remote river valley was once home to both humans and wildlife searching for shelter in its harsh climate. It is not uncommon to stumble upon arrowheads, petroglyphs, and other artifacts while walking around in Brown’s Park. The area was also known as an outlaw hideout where many infamous gunslingers took refuge from the law. You can visit old homesteads & ranches full of tales of the old west. Not only is it a historical place, it is a beautiful one. You may encounter wild horse herds living in their natural environment, or drive up on some elk in their summer fields. There are varying landscapes in Brown’s Park, each as beautiful as the next.

Another true treasure in our area is the Dinosaur National Monument. If you have not heard of this area, you are in for some great surprises. You will see dinosaur tracks, bones, and fossils, as well as some of the most unique terrain in the country. Dramatic mountain cliffs, crystal-blue water, and brilliant green trees make up the scenic entrance to the Lodore Canyon, more commonly known as The Gates of Lodore. There is nothing quite like seeing these features set against a bluebird Colorado sky on a warm summer day.

Suffice it to say, our area up here is quite unique. We spend all of our time outdoors, unplugged, and out of contact. Our little slice of heaven appeals to the adventurous, curious, and easygoing types. If sitting on a porch watching a wildly colorful sunset, drink in hand, after a long day’s ride doesn’t appeal to you, we are not the right fit. We play outside in the heat & cold, dirt & snow, and live for nature and peaceful solitude.

For more information on our unique area, please visit www.visitmoffatcounty.com and www.visitmeekercolorado.com